Test Sujets Online


Whether winter, summer or year campaign – advertising in the mountains stands out and is well received!

Advertisers can now visualise their own sujets on various analogue sitour media with an online service offered at www.sitour.at

How, for instance, a winter sujet of varying sizes and formats looks on advertising media or on indoor and outdoor spaces at the ski resort can easily be tested with the website tool “test our products”:

  • Click “Test & Request” on the homepage (middle) or on the product page of the desired advertising medium Poster / Megaboard / Panorama Info SystemSki Run Signage System / Ski Lift Entry Gates (top right).
  • Select favoured sitour product and upload a sujet (image of the specified sizes). 
  • Finally click “Test it” and the own sujet will be pictured on the advertising space of the respective sitour product.

To the test page: www.sitour.at/test

Our team will gladly help you with the individual visualisation and if required, will prepare a total package consisting of planning, production, installation, and documentation for your current campaign.


werbung@sitour.at or +43 512 24805-0.